Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) in collaborative Aerospace product development
Mike Turner (BAE Systems) outlined some of the challenges faced when considering the use of Grid technologies within an Aerospace product design environment and presented how SIMDAT has addressed Aerospace issues.
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Highlights of the SIMDAT Aerospace and Virtual Organisations activities are:
- Aerospace use cases, use of Grid technology for collaborative product development.
- Process and product data management, making best use of expert knowledge for design optimisation.
- Implications of SOA for industrial analysis services including the implications of product accreditation.
- Barriers facing industrial deployment of Grid technologies.
- How SIMDAT has addressed aerospace issues and what technology has been deployed.
After visiting the barriers to adoption such as enterprise identity scheme integration and manageability Mike Turner looked at Lightning Strike Analysis (LSA) as an Accreditation Case Study. Finally he looked at future use of Grid in Aerospace:
- Virtual Test Beds
- Large systems integration tasks with multiple subcontracts, deploy distributed virtual test bed for component testing.
- Supply chain integration/ Virtual Engineering
- Allowing SME’s access to the Primes tools and process to increase the speed, ease and reduce the cost of collaboration.
- Controlled data sharing in multi-organisational collaborations.
- Internal access to resources and capability, CFD Portal.
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